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Villa Maria Private Bin Chardonnay 750ml

This wine is fruit-driven in style, exhibiting ripe peach with underlying citrus blossom and fig characters. On the palate, these flavours are enhanced by a creamy texture and a delicate suggestion of oak. A medium bodied Chardonnay that is styled for enjoyment upon release with or without food.

Villa Maria Private Bin Lighter Sauvignon Blanc 750ml

This delicious Sauvignon Blanc was picked from early ripening Marlborough vineyards to create a full-flavoured wine that is naturally lighter in alcohol. Enjoy its bright aromatics and fresh flavours of lime, melon and green herbs.

Villa Maria Private Bin Pinot Gris 750ml

This East Coast Pinot Gris shines with crisp, cool climate flavours of fresh and inviting ripe nashi pear, crunchy red apple and floral blossoms, leading to a rich and delicately balanced mouthfeel with a delicious off-dry finish.

Villa Maria Private Bin Rosé 750ml

This delicious Rosé has lovely hues of pink with copper undertones and displays an explosion of fresh strawberries and pink grapefruit supported by subtle baking spice. The palate has generous fruit but finishes crisp and refreshing.

Villa Maria Private Bin Sauvignon Blanc 750ml

This is the Sauvignon Blanc that put Villa Maria on the world map. A blend of both Marlborough's Wairau and Awatere Valleys, their winemakers take great care to ensure this wine showcases exceptional balance and consistency every vintage. The room-filling aromatics and strikingly crisp character of our Private Bin Marlborough Sauvignon Blanc are why it is so popular and such a memorable experience.

Villa Maria Reserve Gimblett Gravels Cabernet Sauvignon Merlot 2018 750ml

This densely coloured wine shows lovely aromatics with layers of red and black plum, mingling with cassis, smoky roast coffee bean, dried thyme and complex cedary spice nuances. The palate is soft yet concentrated, with wonderfully fine-grained tannins and integrated oak. While approachable in its youth, this wine will benefit and gain additional complexity from careful cellaring over the next 10-15 years.

Villa Maria Reserve Gimblett Gravels Merlot 2018 750ml

The Reserve Merlot reveals a saturated deep purple colour and perfumed aromatics of red and black plum, fruitcake and floral violet notes, interwoven with roasted coffee bean and complex herb nuances. The palate is concentrated and firmly structured in its youth with fine-grained tannins enhanced by integrated oak. This wine will certainly benefit and gain additional complexity from careful cellaring over the next decade.

Villefranche Château Graves 13 750ml

Dry red wine from the Graves AOC. This is a rich, ripe wine with dark plum, spice and woody notes on the nose. The palate is very concentrated and is defined by its ripe red fruits and smoky intensity.

Waipara Hills Sauvignon Blanc 750ml

Established in 2001, Waipara Hills is an award winning wine range from the South Island of New Zealand.

Wairau River Chardonnay 750ml

The nose displays fruitful aromas of nectarine and citrus, complemented by delicate floral and savoury notes.

Wairau River Pinot Gris 750ml

This is fast becoming an iconic, must have pinot gris.Textured and finely made with some seriously lush fruit ahoy.

Wairau River Sauvignon Blanc 750ml

This is an elegant wine with intense tropical and stone fruit aromatics with delicate citrus and floral notes, full flavoured and textured.
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