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19 Crimes Snoop Dogg Cali Rosé 750ml

19 Crimes Snoop Dogg Cali Rosé is a perfectly crisp California wine, with ripe strawberry notes complemented by delicate floral and rose petal aromas. Fruit-forward notes of fresh raspberry, strawberry, and red cherry offer a pleasant mouthfeel with balanced acidity and touch of sweetness.

Babich Marlborough Pinot Noir Rosé 750ml

This little Rosé has aromas of strawberry and rock melon with spice and stone fruits. Strawberry again on entry with raspberry and apple. Soft and nicely structure with mouth-watering, tangy red fruits. Lively and balanced - dry finish.

Babydoll Rosé 750ml

Babydoll's BABYDOLL sheep live beneath the vines, nibbling on grass and weeds and giving their name to these delicious wines. Small but mighty, they're wonderful groundskeepers. Yes, they need a little help to keep the mowing going. But it's all for the good of the grapes.

Black Cottage Rosé 750ml

An attractive, fresh and stylish Pinot Noir dominant rosé, full of Rainier cherry flavours and granite notes. Cranberry, watermelon and sea breeze aromas mingle on the nose. Elegant and well-balanced, this wine shows undertones of tamarillo, honeydew melon, oyster shell and subtle liquorish notes. The finish is clean and dry with a lick of salt.

Chapel Hill Sangiovese Rosé 750ml

A dry and textured style which capitalises on Sangiovese's delicious 'sweet' core of sour cherry fruit.

Château Roubine Côtes de Provence La Vie en Rosé 750ml

The nose of this wonderful Côte de Provence shows initially freshly cut grass, flowers petals and light red berry fruits. The mouth is endowed with roundness, finesse with a beautiful, sensual body.

Fickle Mistress NZ Rosé 750ml

Pinot Noir is fickle but she is charming, she is temperamental but bewitching. She is the Fickle Mistress.

Graham Norton Rosé 750ml

The GN Rosé is exquisite pink in the glass with aromas of raspberry, strawberry and melons. The full bodied palate delivers all this and more! Its fresh, lively and impeccably balanced. Fabulous with your favourite BBQ dish and loves frites and seafood and any summer salad.

Jacob's Creek Classic Crisp Rosé 750ml

Jacob's Creek Classic range offers fresh, great tasting wines across a wide selection of popular varieties and blends. Jacob's Creek Classic Crisp Rosé exhibits aromas of fragrant strawberries and raspberries. On the palate, notes of fresh red currants with a lovely long minerality. Pair this rosé with charcuterie, tapas or other light summer dishes.

Les Jamelles Clair de Rosé Pays d'Oc 750ml

Doted with lovely pale pink colour, Les Jamelles Clair de Rose is perfectly balanced, fresh, lively and round, with floral and fruity aromas of raspberry and grenadine. Enjoy well chilled (8°C) as an aperitif, with salads, grilled meats, pizza, summer vegetables, or with Asian cuisine. Catherine Delaunay likes to serve it with prawn skewers marinated in ginger and coconut milk. Or try it with a simple slice of melon and prosciutto.

Les Petites Jamelles Pays d'Oc Rosé 750ml

With its pale pink colour, this wine is brilliant in aspect. It is extremely fruity and fragrant, with powerful aromas of strawberry, sour cherry and grenadine along with citrus notes (pink grapefruit). It is extremely fresh and easy-drinking, bold, round and long on the palate with flavours reminiscent of fruit drop candies, peach and redcurrant, finishing on a note of grapefruit.

Listel Grain de Gris Rosé Sable de Camargue 750ml

Pale pink coralish color, expressive nose with fresh red fruits and yellow fruits (peach) and a citrus touch. The aromatic palate has a beautiful red fruits and citrus expression and ends on a supple and greedy note.
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