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Banrock Station Moscato 750ml

Banrock Station Wines are bold, flavoursome, easy drinking wines produced from excellent fruit.

Banrock Station Pink Moscato 750ml

Banrock Station Wines are bold, flavoursome, easy drinking wines produced from excellent fruit.

Brown Brothers Moscato & Sauvignon Blanc 750ml

The Moscato & Sauvignon Blanc brings together everything that is great about these two wine styles. The wine is bright and vibrant in the glass with a lovely green hue. On the nose it shows lifted aromas of fresh grapes and passionfruit. On the palate the wine is fresh and vibrant with tropical fruits and zippy acidity. This is the perfect wine for relaxed occasions with friends.

Brown Brothers Moscato 750ml

Made in a light refreshing style, and alive with aromas of freshly crushed grapes and musk. In the mouth the wine is alive with a vibrant and mouth-filling fruit flavour. This lively and fresh wine has a mild frizzante bubble on the finish. Best enjoyed chilled.

Brown Brothers Moscato Rosé 750ml

Irresistibly fresh with delicate notes of berry and musk, the sweetness of Moscato Rosé suggests strength in its versatility. Best served chilled, let this bright blushing hue and berry palate transform even the most ordinary moments into celebratory ones.

Brown Brothers Moscato Strawberries & Cream 750ml

Brown Brothers Strawberries and Cream is inspired by the taste of summer, this Limited Edition combines the Brown Brothers best-selling Moscato with a hint of sun-ripened strawberries, jam, and vanilla cream. It is clean, fresh and balanced on the palate. Served well chilled and enjoy while young and vibrant.

Ciù Ciù Oris Falerio DOP 750ml

Blend of Trebbiano, Passerina, Pecorino. Delicate straw colour with green shades that emphasize its light acidity and freshness. The bouquet is sweet with a fruit and white flowers perfume.

Jacob's Creek Moscato White 750ml

The Jacob's Creek Moscato wines delightfully showcase the natural sweet flavours and aromas of fresh summer fruit providing a refreshing and easy drinking wine. Jacob's Creek Moscato White has lovely tropical notes and sherbet flavours complemented by a soft fruit sweetness. The balanced acidity provide a delicate finish. Ideal as an aperitif, this wine also pairs well with spicy seafood dishes or fruit.

Les Jamelles Vin Orange 750ml

Slightly coppery orange in colour, very different in aspect from a rosé, this macerated white wine features an atypical and very interesting palette of aromas redolent of subtle, spicy notes of ginger, cumin, juniper berry, clove, and gingerbread, as well as nuances of candied citrus fruit, orange zest and bergamot. Very delicate, fresh, smooth and harmonious on the palate. The same citrus notes perceived on the nose reappear on the palate along with floral notes (wallflower, nasturtium), finishing on a slightly peppery note (black pepper) due to light tannins that leave an impression of freshness and tautness.

The Ned Floral White 750ml

The Ned Floral White is a limited edition wine from the award winning The Ned range of wines, made in the world-renowned Marlborough wine region at Marisco Family Vineyards. A blend of white grape varietals were used to create this delicious taste of Marlborough and the best of each variety is showcased within the wine. Ripe lemon with supporting grapefruit dominates the nose with underlying hints of floral spice. A full and weighty palate, with crunchy acidity, supports the citrus aromatics whilst being complimented by fruit concentration and a deliciously lengthy finish.
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