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Pol Rémy Brut 750ml

A classic French sparkling. White-gold in colour that is fruity and delicate. A good balance between vinosity and roundness. A very pleasant wine. Best served chilled as an aperitif.

Quarisa Caravan Merlot 750ml

Deep crimson red with purple hue in colour. A deeply perfumed nose displaying blackcurrant and plum, complimented by vanilla and cedar aromas from oak. The rich, rounded palate showcases vibrant plum and dark berry fruits. The finish is long with fine silky tannins adding length . Perfect with grilled duck breast with sour cherry glaze. Beef and porcini mushroom casserole. This wine has the flavour, structure and balance to be enjoyed now or offers added satisfaction from further cellaring.

Quarisa Caravan Petite Sirah 750ml

Intense red with purple hues. Intense youthful fresh ripe berry fruit flavours with some well integrated vanillin oak. Full bodied dense ripe berry fruit flavours balanced with vanillin oak but yet long and smooth. Serve with a red wine casserole or a juicy steak with red onion jam. This wine has the flavour, structure and balance to be enjoyed now or offers added satisfaction from further cellaring.

Quarisa Johnny Q Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml

The grapes were picked at between 13.5 to 14.0 Baume to produce the fruit flavours that are required to make this great wine. The grapes were fermented in a mixture of vessels to produce as much colour and flavour as possible. Portion of the wine underwent oak during fermentation and once dry, the remaining went to oak until the right balance was achieved. Careful tasting and blending, by Quarisa's winemaker, help produce this wine of style and great value for money.

Quarisa Johnny Q Q Series Petite Sirah 750ml

Sometimes, the most wonderful creations emerge from random, happy hybrids. Take the cross-pollution of Peloursin and Syrah vines which French botanist Francois Durif discovered. He produced a delicious new grape variety, worthy of his own name: Durif, also known as Petite Sirah. And here begins your journey of discovery: taste the full-bodied, generous and lively flavours, like blackcurrant and plums balanced with spicy toasted integrated oak.

Quarisa Johnny Q Q Series Shiraz 750ml

Approachable, easy going and versatile, Johnny Q will suit any occasion! 'You just can't take life too seriously'... is Winemaker John Quarisa's motto. John draws on extensive experience to deliver Johnny Q, a range which encapsulates his love for life. You will find this wine is a perfect accompaniment with fun times and lots of laughter. Enjoy with good friends and family.

Quarisa Johnny Q Shiraz 750ml

Approachable, easy going and versatile, Johnny Q will suit any occasion! 'You just can't take life too seriously'... is Winemaker John Quarisa's motto. John draws on extensive experience to deliver Johnny Q, a range which encapsulates his love for life. You will find this wine is a perfect accompaniment with fun times and lots of laughter. Enjoy with good friends and family.

Rabbit Ranch Pinot Gris 750ml

Rabbit Ranch Pinot Gris, being a mutation of Pinot Noir, revels in the Central Otago conditions that suit Pinot Noir so beautifully - a long slow ripening period is desirable, with cool nights and warm days as the Autumn harvest approaches. The Rabbit Ranch Pinot Gris has a mineral acidity backbone and an off dry finish that gives the wine a delicious structure and refreshing style.

Rabbit Ranch Pinot Noir 750ml

Land that was once a high country sheep station is now a flourishing vineyard. Sheep and rabbits co-existed on the land for quite some time but the sheep couldn't keep up with the nocturnal activity of the rabbits, and in the end were driven off the land. Rabbits now run free on the vineyard and fuelled by high altitude Pinot Noir, some are reputed to be the size of ponies, but that's another story... The Rabbit Ranch Pinot Noir is made in a very soft, fruit forward, low tannin style - a wine to be savoured and supped, rather than an assault on the senses.

Rabbit Ranch Rosé 750ml

Summer in a glass, dry Provençal style - crushed berries over alpine flower & citrus sorbet. Made from 100% Central Otago Pinot Noir fruit, lightly pressed to extract just enough colour to deliver the provencal-esque pale pink. Fermented dry to allow the delicate Pinot red fruit characters and cool climate minerality to hop across your palate.

Rapaura Springs Reserve Chardonnay 750ml

Rapaura Springs Reserve wines are expertly crafted from selected vineyards with impressive flavour concentration and palate weight. Reserve wines define their region. White peach, nectarine and citrus flavours complimented by a toasty French Oak influence and a refined acidity.

Rapaura Springs Reserve Pinot Gris 750ml

Rapaura Springs Reserve wines are expertly crafted from selected vineyards with impressive flavour concentration and palate weight. Reserve wines define their region. Aromas of nectarine and apricot are underscored by an attractive honeysuckle note. This Reserve Pinot Gris is soft and textural, with delicious Pear, Nashi apple and Nectarine flavours which linger through to a crisp, refreshing finish.
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