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Cinzano Prosecco DOC 750ml

Fresh, fizzy and fruity, with flavours reminiscent of apple and pear. It has a sweet scent and a soft touch in the mouth and as such, it is perfect as an aperitivo, or for blending in cocktails such as the Aperol Spritz.

Ciù Ciù Oris Falerio DOP 750ml

Blend of Trebbiano, Passerina, Pecorino. Delicate straw colour with green shades that emphasize its light acidity and freshness. The bouquet is sweet with a fruit and white flowers perfume.

Cloudy Bay Pelorus NV 750ml

The Pelorus is crisp and balanced. The pale straw colour and aromas of ripe citrus hint at its Chardonnay origins. On the nose, a bouquet of apple and lemon complements the aromas of fresh bread, drawn from two years' bottle ageing on lees.

Cloudy Bay Sauvignon Blanc 750ml

Vibrant, mouthwatering, captivating-everything a Marlborough Sauvignon Blanc should be. Since 1985, Cloudy Bay Sauvignon Blanc has made its mark as New Zealand's most famous white wine.

Cockburn's Fine Ruby Port 750ml

Ruby Ports are a blend of young, vibrant wines from different harvests. They are kept for an average of two to three years in oak vats before they are blended, fined and bottled ready to enjoy. Cockburn's Fine Ruby is a full-bodied Port with ripe red-fruit flavours, balanced with a fine structure. Perfect at the end of a dinner or simply to enjoy with good friends on relaxed occasions.

Cockburn's Fine Tawny Port 750ml

Tawny Ports are a blend of young wines from various harvests, are kept for an average of two to three years in casks. They are lighter in colour than Ruby Ports and combine the fruitiness of young wines and the nuttiness derived from the maturation in seasoned oak casks. Cockburn's Fine Tawny is an elegant Port with mellow and spicy flavours. Perfect served chilled at the end of a dinner or simply to enjoy with good friends on relaxed occasions.

Cockburn's Special Reserve Port 750ml

Cockburn's Special Reserve was originally introduced in 1969 as the first great Reserve Port, creating an entirely new Port category that was fundamental to the success of Port and the Douro over the following decades. Cockburn's Special Reserve is a very fine wine selected for its richness and concentration, from the finest vineyards in the Upper Douro and matured in oak casks for five years. This longer wood ageing gives its fruity and full-bodied palate a distinctive dry finish, making Cockburn's Special Reserve the benchmark for all Reserve Ports.

Country Medium White 3 Litre

Well-balanced table wines.

Craggy Range Aroha Pinot Noir 750ml

Aroha is a romantic word in the Ma0ori language of New Zealand meaning love. Reflective of its namesake, Aroha is handcrafted with passion from two unique parcels of Pinot Noir, including one of the legendary Abel clone. The fruit is grown on a slope of an elevate terrace of fertile land at the Te Muna Road vineyard where an ancient dried river bed delivered nutrient rich soil perfect for growing Pinot Noir. A traditional burgundy in colour with a soft crimson hue. The palate is lively and pure, focusing towards a red fruit core, whilst the tannins are prevalent but balanced. The concentration of flavour is high as a result of the low yield. Plenty of personality in a wine that will continue to soften with age.

Craggy Range Le Sol Gimblett Gravels Syrah 750ml

Le Sol (French: the soil) is born of the renowned Gimblett Gravels viticultural appellation, with its gravelly soils attracting the sun in summer and insulating the vines in winter. The vines are planted in the stoniest parts of the vineyard to a heritage clone of Syrah brought to New Zealand in the 1840s. Intensively hand managed, the grapes reveal a deep dark Syrah with purple hues. Le Sol is always aromatically pure with a luscious yet elegant mid-palate and a distinctive fine tannin finish. Very dark purple core. Abundant sweet, black fruits lead the bouquet, notably boysenberry and blueberry aromas. The tannin structure of the wine is exemplary and seamless from start to finish. The wine shows considerable drinkability in its youth, and the intensity is the highest in several years.

Craggy Range Marlborough Sauvignon Blanc 750ml

Gently pressed to capture and enhance the subtle flavour nuances from each vineyard site, the wine is fruit forward in style yet delicately structured with a long, crisp finish

Craggy Range Single Vineyard Gimblett Gravels Chardonnay 750ml

Made from multiple parcels of Chardonnay clones planted on the stony soils within the Gimblett Gravels Vineyard, each parcel contributes a unique character to the wine. Pale lime to pale straw. Vibrant aromas of white peach flesh, freshly toasted hazelnuts and brioche. Effortlessly flavourful and balanced, with an abundance of fruit intensity and richness wrapped by a saline acid line giving vitality.
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