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Casa Tempranillo 1.5 Litre

A dark ruby red that leads to a medium bodied palate that's dry. Smooth tannins are enhanced by blackberry and blueberry flavours.

Cecchi Chianti Classico DOCG 750ml

Chianti is Italy's most famous red, and this wine is up there with the best. Medium bodied, full of juicy, plummy fruit aromas and flavours supported by earthy notes and backed by supple tannins.

Cecchi Chianti DOCG 750ml


Château de Hartes Bordeaux 750ml

The harvest from these parcels is always carried out later because of the dominant varieties, Cabernet Franc & Cabernet Sauvignon. Careful vinification gives this wine depth, elegance and length in the mouth. The floral bouquet of the Cabernet variety is predominant in the wines youth but develops later towards the more complex aromas of a Grand Vin de Bordeaux. Beautiful deep colour with purple tints. Focused and fruity nose with faint toast in the background. The same fairly elegant aromatic combination flows through to the palate. A very accessible, supple, crisp Bordeaux.

Château de Hartes Bordeaux Supérieur Rouge 750ml

Beautiful deep colour with purple tints. Focused and fruity nose with faint toast in the background. The same fairly elegant aromatic combination flows through to the palate. A very accessible, supple, crisp Bordeaux.

Delas Ventoux 750ml

Its colour is a deep ruby red, showing garnet reflections while young. With its predominately berry-fruit bouquet, this wine shows the full aromatic power of these two noble grape varieties whilst still retaining freshness.

El Burro Garnacha 750ml

Expressive combination of rich fruit flavours - blackberries, raspberries and plums - and a warm, spicy character.

Elephant Hill Le Phant Rouge 750ml

A proprietary estate red blend sourced mainly from the warm, inland soils of Bridge Pa Triangle and Gimblett Gravels. Wonderfully fruited and elegantly complex, the bouquet shows blackcurrant, sweet cherry, cedar, thyme and warm spice aromas, leading to a gorgeously flavoursome palate offering succulent fruit intensity together with silky texture and fine-grained tannins. Supple and lingering with a delectable finish.

Frescobaldi Rèmole Toscana IGT 750ml

A rich, luminous ruby of appealing depth announces an equally complex nose, which reveals multi-faceted aromas of red and dark fruit, such as dried plum, blackberry, cassis and redcurrant, lifted by spicier impressions of black pepper and liquorice.

Gabriel Meffre La Châsse Côtes-du-Rhône 750ml

Intense and full, with delicate hints of black berry fruits, spices.

Graham Norton HE-DEVIL Malbec 750ml

"If you're looking for a well-behaved wine, this isn't it! My HE-DEVIL was created to turn heads, break hearts and leave you wanting more... and it's delivered on all counts." Graham Norton, Chief Winemaker. This is an intense, big, juicy red wine that will make you sit up and take notice. Deep purple in the glass with a bouquet of sweet spice and plum compote which envelopes the palate with a sweet toasty finish.

Gran Feudo Baluarte Navarra Roble 750ml

This is a is fruity wine, predominantly red fruit aromas and notes of fine wood. The palate is fruity, soft, fresh and with good structure. It is velvety, with a long and pleasant finish.
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